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Mauro Folci (1959). His works are born from a deep reflection on the processes of cooptation of semiocapitalism and the many linguistic forms of the contemporary metropolis, in particular those forms that trace singular escape lines from the dominant productive language.

His interventions and his works have been hosted by Italian and international institutions including Kunstverein in Frankfurt, Fondazione Baruchello, Neue Kunstforum di Colonia, Museo de Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Sofia Imber di Caracas, PAN di Napoli, Maxxi e Macro di Roma, SUPEC di Shanghai, Centre Pompidou di Paris, Reina Sofia di Madrid, Haus der Kulturen Der Welt di Berlino, Biennale di Venezia di Arte e di Architettura, CCCB Arts Santa Mònica di Barcellona.

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